Get a Free Quote for

Applicant Type
Single - 1 Applicant
Couple - 2 Adults in a relationship or 1 adult with 1 child
Family - 2 Adults in a relationship with kid(s) or a single parent with children

Visitor Type
Coverage (CAD)

Start Date
End Date
Insurance Days

Applicant's Age (in years)
(Oldest Family Member)

Pre-existing condition
Pre-existing medical condition - means any medical condition that exists prior to your effective date

Stable period
Stable - means a medical condition that is considered stable when all of the following statements are true:
1. there has not been any new treatment prescribed or recommended, or change(s) to existing treatment (including a stoppage in treatment); and
2. there has not been any change in medication (including increase or decrease of dosage), or any recommendation or starting of a new prescription drug, and
3. the medical condition has not become worse, and
4. there has not been any new, more frequent or more severe signs or symptoms, and
5. there has been no hospitalization or referral to a specialist, and
6. there have not been any tests, investigation or treatment recommended, but not yet complete, nor any outstanding test results, and
7. there is no planned or pending treatment

How to Calculate IEC Insurance Cost and Apply?

Looking for an affordable IEC/Working Holiday insurance? Just following the steps below and use our free online IEC & Working Visa Canada health insurance calculator to get a list of all available options from Canadian insurance companies we work with right away!

Get a Quote

In order to use our free online Visitors to Canada insurance Canada calculator you will need to enter applicant’s age, select coverage amount, deductible and duration of insurance policy as well as indicate whether the applicant has any pre-existing medical condition(s). Once it is done, just click on “Get Quote” button to see available options. Please note that Deductible/Excess is the amount of money that you pay out-of-pocket before the insurance company covers the rest, in case of a claim.

Select a Plan

As soon as you’ve calculated a quote and saw the list of options, you can click on the “Plan Details” button on the right-hand side to learn more about the selected policy. Upon doing so, you will be re-directed to the insurance plan’s page on our website, where you can review coverage details and policy highlights including summary of benefits, eligibility requirements, refund policy and claim reporting procedure.

Review Your Coverage

It is always a great idea to review coverage details as well as policy conditions before making a purchase. The best way to go about it is to read through the official Policy Wording for the insurance plan of your choice that can be found on the same page. In addition, you can always talk to our Insurance Advisors via live-chat or call our office if you have any questions or concerns!


The final step is to fill out an application form and make the payment using a credit card. In order to proceed with purchasing your Visitors insurance, just click on “Buy Insurance” or “Buy Online” button. If you wish to purchase your coverage online, you can click on Buy Insurance or Buy Now button next to your quote to proceed. In case you’d like our Insurance Advisors to assist you with setting up your coverage don’t hesitate to contact us! Once your payment is processed by the insurance provider, your policy confirmation will be sent by email right away!


Frequently Asked Questions

  • This represents the amount of eligible medical expenses that must be paid by the insured before the insurance company begins to reimburse for covered expenses. As an example, if you purchase a plan with a $50 deductible and incur $200 of expenses, the insurance company will begin to reimburse for expenses after you have paid the first $50 of your medical bills. There are two different kinds of deductibles, per-claim and per-policy period. A per claim deductible means that the insured must pay a new deductible for each separate incident. (Example: pay the deductible once for a broken leg and then a second time for a flu treatment). A per-policy period deductible means that the insured must pay the deductible only once during the period of the insurance policy. If your plan has a $100 deductible, you pay the first $100 of the expenses and then the insurance company picks up the rest. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium cost and vice versa.

  • Generally, pre-existing conditions are defined as any sickness, injury or medical condition for which the insured consulted a physician, has symptoms, has been hospitalized or was prescribed medications within a certain period before the effective date of coverage. Each insurance company treats pre-existing conditions differently and this is a major reason for declined medical claims. The look back period may vary from 3 months to a life time. Please, read the exclusion section in the insurance policy booklet for exact definition. There are certain visitors insurance plans in which coverage for stable pre-existing conditions is possible. Please call our customer service at 1-877-838-0020 for more information.

  • Most Visitors to Canada insurance plans provide nation-wide coverage. No matter which province or territory in Canada you travel to, you are covered with the same policy!

  • The main advantages of dealing with a Canadian company are quicker claim processing as well as direct billing for hospitalization that are not offered by travel insurance companies overseas.

  • You are covered by your policy anywhere around the globe with an exception of your home country if you are a temporary visitor or country of prior residence before traveling to Canada. In order to qualify for this benefit, you must physically be in Canada a certain amount of your coverage period per policy. Please contact our Insurance Advisors to learn more.

  • Ideally, you should buy your insurance policy prior to arrival in Canada. Not only certain insurers cover you on your way to Canada, but you also avoid an unnecessary waiting period that applies to policies purchased once you have arrived. More importantly, by buying your insurance protection before arrival you are not risking your money in case there is a medical emergency within the first few days of landing.